Shop. Style. Party.


Some of my best nights have been lived in some of my favorite outfits. There is no time that rings more true to that than the holiday season. It gives you the best reason to be your glitziest self!

My bestie and I have coined the term Party Girl to describe our going out alter egos. Sometimes she’s fancy, sometimes she’s cool and edgy but no doubt, she’s always a lot of fun. In lieu of a gifting round up (just adding to your holiday stress), I’ve put together A Party Girl Edit of my personal favorite pieces that I would wear to every event this season. I don’t care if you’re inviting me to coffee…expect me to show up in sequins because your girl is ready this year!

I hope this not only takes the work out of finding your perfect outfit, but more importantly, I hope this edit gets you excited to feel like the bombshell you are and celebrate with the ones you love.

xx, Jas







Sunglasses that Pull It All Together